Thoughts on Uni
It's been a week since I last blogged. Not that my life is boring, I actually went to try a few restaurants and intend to blog about it but many serious and urgent matter are not even lining up to greet me. They basically just gush to me and leave me no where to hide.A few major things has happened last week. First I collected my A-levels results and it was a satisfying one which got me into my university choices which includes UCL.
I have been struggling for the past few months about how badly I wanna achieve the grades to meet UCL requirement and obtain a scholarship in order to enjoy my 3 years there. On the other hand, dad and mum prefer HKU. I like HKU as well, met with some Malaysian seniors and freshers during the pre-departure gathering in Italiannies and the description about Hong Kong uni life seems enjoyable.Many people have been asking why am I still going Hong Kong when I can actually go UCL. I have nothing to worry in mind except for the costly accommodation in London. I've compared the differences between London and Hkg and it is about a 200K difference. You would suggest "just go there and work part-time la."Obviously I will but do you think it's gonna help much? It's gonna help me earn some pocket money but definitely not contributing towards tuition or hall fees. The life I want in UK is with some traveling here and there and food hunting of course.

I really don't want that to happen. Weighing the pros and cons, I don't see much bad in Hong Kong. A top ranked uni among world universities and a perfect financial hub for my studies in Economics. Just a few negatives like no snow, too close to Msia so daddy might come visit often, no Europe trips throughout uni life but can still have Asia trip like going to Japan *woohoo* and no old buddies. HKU will be an entire new environment coz I have no close friends going there with me, but it's kinda good also to meet new friends :)
Now that I'm left with 6 days before departing to Hong Kong, hopefully I get to meet my lovely friends before I go but if we can't there will still be a next time but prolly a longer gap in between.

Ending this with a selca with ze sister!
Till then,
I'll try to update before I fly off ♥