College x Dancing Fish
You might stop, stay still, but the world will keep moving.
Seasons change, time flies.
August has been going a little too fast for me. I can't even remember which day I actually stayed home or went out, and now we(A-levels student) are hitting doomsday pretty soon. Some in 2 days time, for me 4 days.Since coming back from Bangkok, I've been trying to meet my friends coz I realize that I actually don't have much time left in Malaysia. It all depends on 15th Aug.
So on that Monday, I met quite a few of them. Lunch with Gossips in Dancing Fish BSC. I have been planning to bring them there since forever and finally we are there and the malay-indo cuisine and ambiance is still excellent.

Starter snack - Emping w/ fiery Indonesian sambal terasi

Gulai pucuk paku

Ayam Panggang / not my dish coz it's abit sweet for my liking
Dancing fish (Nila Goreng) with sambal terasi and kicap | Crispy, Fragrant Perfection
Nasi Kuning Berempah
Malay-Indo cuisine checked. One more off the list!
To continue with our gossip moments, we decided to have cakes at Ben's coz the environment is nice with its warm lighting. We had a bread & butter pudding and the Ben's moist chocolate cake.
Our first choice was the Lemon Meringue Tart but the whole tart was
reserved. Too bad next visit I suppose.

Photos credit to @juinle coz I was busy on the phone
The phone call was from my ever 'loving' brother, who has abandoned me for one month and suddenly decides to call me and grumbled alot through the phone. But thanks to him I got a spontaneous company for almost 3 hours in OU before my movie, or else i'll be alone walking aimlessly. Once again my ears were polluted while chatting with him, but I felt like a small and naive girl when I don't understand somethings he said. Sorry for being so naive that you have to further explain to me lol...
Sorry for the bad quality. It's the front camera of my 4S.
Can't wait to meet him and kssia again before results is out.
Gonna continue blogging about Bangkok ♥