[190912] Bait Bit Bite

09:44 CallieKaylee 0 Comments

Remember how I forgot to RSVP for the exclusive screening tickets for StreetDance 2 back then in March? Regret maxx coz dance movies are absolutely must-watch for me. Decided to try my luck again on the BAIT premiere screening contest by Nuffnang. Lucky me! Won it this time and RSVP-ed on time. Never even expect to win this, but random luckiness? Bless me more :)

Take a look at my comment which is full of randomness:
“If I'm stuck in an ordinary supermarket flooded with seawater together with the not-so-friendly shark, the THREE(3) items I would use to protect myself are:
+ pepper and all different types of spices

. The sharks might just be too busy sneezing ;).
+ Glasswares. Just before eating my up, the broken pieces of glass which the sharks munch first would have caused some internal bleeding and the pain might just distract them away.
+ Varieties of alcoholic drink, wodkas, wines, probably absinthe if found. Just to keep the sharks tipsy, so more clumsy in their movement maybe! Cheers
! XD

So kind of me to be asking ze sis first whether she wanna go with me. But her first answer was 'Why so good ask me to go one?' *heartshattered* Maybe next time I shouldn't call her out sigh.

Movie was at 9 pm so we went early to have dinner. Had a hard time deciding what to eat coz I really have no specific cravings for food in klcc. Except for the ice-cream. Being outdated again. Only trying it now when everyone else would prolly have been there multiple times.. In the end we settled with Umai-ya.

Kiddy looking :(

The sista

Beef wrapped Enoki mushroom

Can't exactly rmb the food name. It's one of the speciality maki. Had two different type but i think i forgot to snap the other one. Failure of a food blogger wanna-be. 

The greedy me. As usual. It's forever just about food. 

It;s definitely not my favourite Japanese restaurant coz I feel that the food were just so-so. I would prefer going to Sushi Zanmai or Nihonkai. But recently heard that there's one nice one in Hartamas. Waiting for someone to bring me there. 

Proceed with desserts! Luckily no disappointment coz I've been hearing that it's quite good and all. 

after shoooo long..

Variety of add-ons

First, the ice cream.

Next, adding my pick- roasted macadamia nut

Lastly, chop chop mix mix and make it compact. 

Coffee ice-cream with roasted macadamia nut in plain waffle bowl

#happykid with her ice cream. Will definitely return here :)

Almost reaching the movie premiere screening time. Our mouth was filled with sweetness of ice cream so we needed some salty food to neutralize it again. Grabbed some yakitori from Isetan before the movie! 

Thx to Nuffnang! 

Selca-ing before movie ;)

Totally forgotten that I'm actually having class at 8 am the next day. Went on to chill at the Apartment for a short while before heading home. 


A glass of Gunner

Stopping coz I need to continue packing for Bkk.
Flying off tomorr noon.
Not at home for mooncake festival :(
But nvrmind, there must be tons of shopping and eating to compensate  *grin*
 Excited!   ♥