Busy with Ballet?
It's been quite a while since I've updated my blog T___TI don't mean to abandon you bloggie. But what am I busy with again? idk...
Actually this month pass like super fast. Next week flying to Bangkok already. I can still rmb how I was urging Rene to buy her airtix like few weeks ago.. Flying off in 6 days! :)
But there's still terrible things waiting for me once I'm back. Econs unit 2 mock exam, gonna partially determine my forecast. So I'm can't spend these 6 days feeling excited, have to study :(
Btw, really have no idea whether September is a good/bad month for me. A horrible news struck me last weekend and really scared the shit out of me. Our Bangkok flight was cancelled! like out of no where they just send us an email to inform us, with no solutions attached. Four of us totally freaked out! My flight was changed to evening 6-ish and Rene's one was like at night 10-ish wth. So basically we are losing our first day in Bkk.
I'm not gonna let that happen though. Went up to the airasia office twice and really got to show them how serious we are, tell them straight in the face what we want. And luckily we acted fast. Or else we might not even get the earlier flight coz prolly so many ppl are suffering from this flight cancellation thingy too. Really make us worried like few days before it got settled. The BAD BAD news in September.
The good news is.... now we get to go Bkk earlier, and fly back to KL later. More time for shopping! Perfect ending of the story ♥
Another happy stuff. Attended the fabulous performance in KL PAC on the 7th Sept.
Ballet Illumination by Singapore Dance Theatre.
The tickets are so cheap, only RM18 for students. But the dances are super good, especially the contemporary dance. Now I've totally in love with contemp dance, but I got no time to learn T.T
Let me summarize it . There's 4 dances in total, two contemporary and two classical ballet. Featuring Maninyas, The Nutcracker Act 2 - Pas de Deux( which I've already watch last year, in S'pore), Serenade, and The Winds of Zephyrus. If you have nvr watch it before, there's might be only two possible outcomes, either you fall asleep or just amazed by the dancers. I fall in the latter category duh....
Here's some pictures stolen from the SDT fb page:
1. Maninyas *fav*

2. The Nutcracker Pas de Deux

But these two photos are from last year's performance in Esplanade Theatre. The recent one in KL Pac doesn't have the grand settings.
3. Serenade

4. The Winds of Zephyrus *fav too*

The old tables and bookshelves. No idea why my arms were positioned that way. That's how my dog usually sits. Hands' crossed. =.=
Randomly picked up a book. BALLERINA :)
Cotton-on dress w/ mini hearts which i wore to Portugal, my Converse college bag and sequined fitflop. Came right from college so only manage to change da dress.
Took this after the show. People crowding around so only got one blur shot :(
My companion for the night.
Gotten my first working experience as a waitress this month too. Need to earn some extra cash for Bangkok shopping spree coz this trip is fully funded by myself T___T
Only working for two weekends. The pay is actually quite low, but doesn't matter la since I'm such a noobie, totally zero experience in working. And I dunno where to find higher paid jobs too... At least I'm working there with my sis, not so scared coz normally I'm really bad in meeting and knowing new people. The staffs are all nice, except there's one quite blur cashier. Really worried that she might get me into trouble again. Learnt my lesson by now, always double triple check the bill. And the most funny part throughout this job is that most customers would ask if we're sisters. Do we really look that alike lol? The Bangsar branch wasn't very busy, so it was quite tired when we have nothing to do, but just stand there. My legs are basically shouting pain in the afternoon sessions.. Most people come and eat around 8 pm onwards. My shift ends at 9, so I can only be really busy for that one hour! Sounds much like a workaholic oh crap.
So tomorr and Sunday will be my last day working there. Praying that it'll be two busy days in the restaurant!
Hoping that I can manage my last blog post for the month of September. Something that I felt lucky about. Can actually guess it from my Instagram photos :)
That's it for now.
Ta-ta ♥ ♥ ♥