Updates: Half of October month. Gone just like that.

10:03 CallieKaylee 0 Comments

It's been weeks since returning from Bangkok. Burnt up all my savings. Came back to Malaysia almost penniless, only 130 baht left   T__T

I planned to blog about Bangkok last weekend but was caught up with so many things going on.
First there was like Leo meeting on Saturday morning, so I woke up at 7ish to prepare. When the meeting finally ended, I was so unlucky to be left behind when I need a lift to the train station. Luckily Melvin and Feon came back for me. After getting onto the train, then I realize those guys did not wait for me to have lunch together. So in the end I only had some jelly and a very sour fruit for lunch. Initially I wanted guava but they got me a wrong one :(
The only funny thing that happened was that we were trying to hide from some people while leaving for dinner. No choice but to disguise ourselves a little bit. With some shades we have in hand. I was the one who insist that everyone stays in the car to take some photos with the shades lol... Coz we seldom take photo together, so sad right...

The next day was like a 1000x more tiring. 3 events going on. Morning- Helping Hand Run. Noon- Friend's new shop opening at IPC. Night- Wedding dinner at Pav.
Had to be at Help at 4.30 am. Imagine what time I'd to wake. Managed to catch breakfast at Mcd. A very filling Big Breakfast. Then started to prepare work for registration. Overall the whole run seems fine, but actually there was quite some major mistakes done like the marshalls and the presentation of medals. It's quite disappointing when you won something but no one is crediting you. A sincere apology would be much appreciated. I pity the lady.
I was so happy when the day finally ended and I can have a rest. Even my contact lens were so dry until it almost fall off. Le sigh.
Photos taken using my phone only :

Colorful balloons :)

Quote of the day : Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is about to happen 


Being a good daughter, I still woke up early for breakfast with the family before class. At Antipodean
#selca before breakfast

Love their bagel! Hot crispy outside, soft at the inside with melting butter on it

All day breakfast w/ toast, bacon, baked beans, scrambled eggs and grilled tomatoes. Love the fluffiness of the eggs but definitely can't be eaten alone. Egg overdose >.<

A nice cup of flat white to pair up with the breakfast

Smoked salmon omelette

A photo with dearest mummy :P

Next up is the visit to The Hill which is like super near to college but I never been there before. It's like within walking distance omg. It was a weekday night but surprisingly, it was fully booked so we had to sit at the top floor with dim lightings. Bad for pictures :(
All of us ordered different burgers. We had the Green, Red, Black and White monster.
But there's only a photo of the dessert and some of us...

Yummylicious Red Velvet Nuttella in a Jar

Presenting the dessert lol

Act cute shoot

Favourite photo of the night :) Thx to Boon

This actually sums up only like a quarter of October's schedule. There's still Churpout and more to blog about. So might as well I bombard this post with more photos to tell, rather than finding another time to blog about it. Coz I'm pretty sure it's not gonna be done so soon.

Churpout 2012 @ Publika

w/ Hui Chee

MooCow froyo in cone

Bought a few items from my favourite bloggers. A necklace and three pieces of clothes.
Cheesie and Aud were super nice :)

Cheeserland.com was the first ever blog I started reading 
and her face is so small :O

Her sweet and romantic wedding is like the highlight of 2012


Sad sad why last photo blur :(

Didn't get to watch the cheer performances and head out to the games booth outside coz it was raining during noon time. Looking forward to the next Churpout! 
Tomorr's breakfast is cancelled. Like AGAIN.
 Around 7.5 more hours to sleep before chem class at 10.
Really wonder how A-level students blog. Where got time?!
 Nitez!  *still grumpy*   ♥