March-ie happenings

00:48 CallieKaylee 0 Comments

Long time no update..
I wanted to but I can't really find time. After getting my 2nd sem results which was rather disappointing, I have to work my ass off for the coming finals.
There has been so much things happening in March, including my major concern, university offers.
As expected, my top-on-the-list, LSE rejected me. (I was aware of the high chance getting rejected but still can't avoid feeling very sad and moody for that entire week.) Btw before this sad news came by, a good news arrived first which was an offer from HKU. I was quite delighted but my parents were much more happier than me, coz I really want to study in UK.
Although I wasn't sure if I am going to Hong Kong for my undergraduate studies, but just to secure the place I have to pay a sum of money, wasted if I don't go in the end. The last offer which arrive super duper late exactly before the deadline promised was UCL. Oh boy but they gave me a hard task, the conditional offer isn't that easy for me to fulfill as compared to HKU and University of Warwick.
That is also why I have to study study like bookworm and no play play. Sadly I still don't feel as hardworking as my fellow classmates which makes me feel frustrated about myself. It's like I want to work hard, try to, but my effort seemed like nothing or maybe too tiny. Sigh should stop comparing, pls mind your own business Callie :/

During March I tried not to go out like for shopping, so just breakfast with friends occasionally. And they're all at Bangsar.
Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf with the most no-temper guy JJ
My pesto with grilled pork slices

Dessert taime at Wondermama also! Didn't know he dislike durian products so I had to finish the whole Durian crepe by my own while he had his Chocolate ice-cream topped with crispy bacons.

One more breakfast date I have to really brag about here is eating with Vic, Rene and Celes. We created this "Breakfast" whatsapp group since last year and the plan has proudly work out this time.
Victor's romantic drink :D
Mochacino for both Sherene and I
As usual, the cannot-finish breakfast at Antipodean! 

And not to forget Juiny Beanie's birthday which we managed to pull of a successful surprise for her! Dinner at Sushi Zanmai...
Waiting for the surprise plan to commence
Our failed-to-be-round sushi cake. And the missing candle
Green Tea and Blueberry Cheese crepe cake at Expresso Lab
Bday girl Juin! Same class for 5 years in WMS and 6 months in Help :)

It's so hard for me to find this slot of time to update my almost-dead blog
And really frustrated of how clumsy and unproductive these days.
Sigh till then, 2 more months to suffer. 