College life on Fridays
Friday. 9th March 2012.
I have only 2 hours class on Fridays, thinking that I will have plenty of time to rest or study at home #asifIwill. But instead wasted the past 10 Fridays. Dreaming, eating or just hanging out with my girlfriends. But have to be back in school tonight for the HELP Star Idol competition. 3 of my classmates are in for finals! I'm so proud of you, Jean, Ming Yao and Yik Herr =D
Problem : What should I go or where to go between 10-7? Study? No mood lah. End of the week already, must relax abit. Thats what I always tell myself. Luckily on friday morning itself I found Kel, Hui Chee, Gabrina and Serene who has nothing to do but coming back to college at night too. So we went to the nearest mall again. MIDVALLEY. Need to grab our lunch and early dinner there. And just to pass time easier, watch a movie of course! They forced me to go for The Devil Inside. I'm super scared of horror movies, watching it in the cinema just makes it 10x worse. Serene said she'll just sleep throughout the movie and I'll be just semi-covering my eyes with the very thin cardigan. Hui Chee and Kel both were just too excited about the movie :(
We went for our brunch first. At Manhattan fish market which is having their latest promotion for students. RM9.90 each, choosing between 4 choices and 50% off for all drinks. Ordered double sets of fish n' chips though.
Hui Chee & Serene
After brunch shot
Next up: the horror movie! Yikes!
We wasted almost 3/4 of the large popcorn we bought. My hands were too busy holding the cardigan to cover my eyes, for the rest, I have no idea. After the movie, we need to grab an early dinner before going back Help as netball practice is at 4. Not me.
Cracking our heads to think of what to eat. We are serious about budgeting, so we took a long time thinking wisely. But when we pass by Sumptuous Desserts, the durian pancake is just too irresistible. So we ended up bringing a box of durian pancake into KimGary for our early dinner.
Oh nomnom.
And I orderd the Hot & Spicy Noodles with beef and a glass of 'YinYong' and 3 of them ordered similar dish which is the Korean Spicy Mushroom noodles.
Took a cab back to Help main block. Apparently the taxi driver knows one of the Help Maths lecturer and was talking to us while caught in the jam. Our next few hours were spent on waiting for the event to start. So we were just taking pictures non-stop with Hui Chee's Ipad. And my Olympus.

Group D girls!

#uglyshot I heard that I resemble Angry Birds. Do I? :(
Our hottie Erica
As usual, these events are delayed. Started only at 8 i guess and ended around 11'ish. Aik Jean, Ming Yao and Yik Herr sang really well that night. The only horrible thing that night was the sound system and the judges. Judges who barely know how to sing and to judge. And they actually made a fool of themselves on the stage lol
Home at 12. Sleep.
Saturday. 10th March 2012.
Short post regarding the dining etiquette workshop I attended. It was a SASA event held in Help CAT. It was a foc event, so I don't expect much good food either. The speaker just showed us slides and talked about the table manners. After all that, food was finally served.
I hardly touched the soup. Coz all the three good vege friends which I hate: carrot, green peas and corn are in there.
Nice background to shoot this photo. Sasarians :)