Day One in Nottingham

02:10 CallieKaylee 0 Comments

Just a slight update.
13 hours in the plane.
The plane was delayed during landing due to congestion and the 15 minutes that it couldn't land, I felt like I was on a roller coaster. Going up n down.
Rushed like hell in Heathrow Airport. We have two buses to catch.
Sadly, missed the first one. So we took the tube to Victoria Station and dragged the luggage like mad women along the street. Fortunately, we managed to catch the 7pm bus back to Nottingham.
Tired maxx!

On the way to the airport

 Outfit 300512
while rushing for the bus...

Sis and I. We do look much alike after i have bangs. @Loch Fyne
I thought summer is gonna be hot, but turned out it's going to drizzle these few days. Look at me wearing knitted outfits. Cold...
Breakfast at 7. Limited edition cherry yogurt.

Gonna chill at home these few days before going London. And meeting up with Ray :) 
June's first problem: Should I extend stay till July 18th? Gonna decide asap. In dilemma~
Spending time with ze family is important, but college is equally important too right? What should I do???