Break FREE
Entire May was a nerve wracking month. Maybe 3 quarters of the month.First week of May : Mock exams and ballet exam.

Forgot to take a picture of the full outfit with ze chiffon skirt.
When it comes to exam, I'm always just too NERVOUS.
Pliés itelf I already did some mistakes coz I was too into the music. The examiner had to hint me with some arm movements before I wake from my dream while dancing. The next let down was my Grand Jete. I can always do my ending pose perfectly but what happened on the most important day? Wobble infront of the examiner. Sure no distinction ady :/
Pliés itelf I already did some mistakes coz I was too into the music. The examiner had to hint me with some arm movements before I wake from my dream while dancing. The next let down was my Grand Jete. I can always do my ending pose perfectly but what happened on the most important day? Wobble infront of the examiner. Sure no distinction ady :/
Mocks was okay but did badly for Chemistry :( Only 64%
So I made a very big decision. Join a few classmates and stayed back to study until 9pm everyday. For two weeks plus. Throughout whole exam period. I can't believe I did that too!
Mumsie was like telling everyone how shock she is to see her daughter studying so hard for the first time. Putting so much effort. What is this la... As if I did not work hard for my UPSR,PMR and SPM.
Only 4 subjects for A-levels. But why do we all feel like it's a zillion times tougher than SPM where we have ten subjects?? And the moment before exam the stress level is really high. Especially when everyone is crowding along the corridor, just feel like sitting in the car instead. And watching everyone still studying, I'll eventually face the decision of staring at my book again just so that I don't feel weird and unprepared. *gosh this is killing me* Am I gonna surfer through this for all exams? Le sigh :(
The first exam. Chemistry. 6.30pm to 8.00pm. It was dreadful to wait for the day to pass till night arrives. And I ain't used to the night time exam thingy so was feeling a little lethargic. But the paper was still okay..
Maths C1 was total killer coz i thought there was more than enough of time. Started off quite slowly until most of us meet the #challenging question. Worth 4 marks meh.
Physics. WORST of all. I was devastated after the paper. Broke down and cry immediately after the paper. How could I be so fking stupid and blur to miss out the entire last question wtf? Like 3 pages costing me 10++ marks? Confirm retake.
Affected my study mode after that also. Thus Economics paper might be in great risk too. And i forgot to write the best evaluation that shows my econs skill wtf
The best of all was Maths C2. It was easy till everyone was scared in the exam hall. Have at least 45 minutes to double triple check the paper. Btw did a good deed too! Luckily I brought an extra calculator and borrow it to the guy-that-forgots-his-calculator during exam. Saved him :)
In the process of preparing for all these, my daily routine was only
Study from 9am till 9pm. First time lol. But at least got break,talk and go out to eat in between. Some people really scares me. They just study then tapao food back, sit and eat then continue study. Please don't let my life turned into that!
But I actually enjoyed my two weeks too. Mumsie bringing me food sometimes coz I missed dinner with mum and dad for the two weeks. Poor thing they must have missed me badly lol
This post is really wordy. Pictures taadaa~
All pictures are food either coz they're shy or we were too focused lol
All pictures are food either coz they're shy or we were too focused lol
Study look. Casual.
Yumss.. Otak-otak!
Weekend breakfast before heading to college. And bought foodie for those guys.But forgot to snap the picture of popiah..
Mumsie sending over food from Midvalley. Love her!
And nice portugese eggtarts
Yam cake and Radish cake.
This was taken the night before Econs exam. Coz i couldn't bear to sleep early as the guys will like study till 2am. So i have to at least stay up till 1am. But ended up writing these crap.
"Producer surplus increase leads to 1:4. Thus I wxxx blur-looked chicken" I have no idea what is this about. Fell asleep while studying and when i woke up, this is what I saw. Hilarious much.
Mumsie decided to cook us a meal for the second last day. Glutinous rice topped with roasted peanuts and spring onions. And the guys were like exaggerating the whole time about how tasty it is... *geksei*
Oh were telling me that they don't know how to face mumsie if my result turns out bad lol
But really had some fun time studying ;)
Still have more to blog about before I fly off.
♥ ♥ ♥